about me

What I generally look like
What I'm about

I'm a Singaporean designer currently based in the UK, with a burning passion for languages (on my fourth now!), culture, jiujitsu, sewing, and science fiction. Soon graduating from the Glasgow School of Art with a Bachelors (Hons) in Product Design in July 2023.

Innovative, data-driven design.

I've worked in the innovation and digital transformation departments of a bank and a ground-handling and aviation catering company, and for several startups, mostly notably for a quantum computing company. My experience enables me to work light and Agile, and be equally comfortable building ideas from scratch and improving on fully-fledged products. I'm endlessly keen on learning new technical skills, and I'm very curious about exploring data visualisation in scientific applications.

Click to view my CV

Where I've worked
DBS Bank (Singapore)
SATS (Singapore)
Riverlane (Cambridge, UK)

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